The golden age of treasure hunters who seek wealth, honor, power and glory, and explore treasures around the world without regard to danger.”Let’s become a treasure hunter,” said Cri Andrich, who pledged to become a childhood friend and the strongest hero, but he had no talent.However, the assessment of the environment is somehow high for some reason, and only expectations are jumping every day.Every time a distant friend of the human race goes into fury, climbing is an ability to sit on the ground!

Nageki no Bourei wa Intai Shitai – Saijiyaku Hanta ni Yoru Saikiyou Patei Ikusei Jutsu Bahasa Indonesia
Alternative Titles
Let This Grieving Soul Retire!, Let This Grieving Soul Retire! Woe Is the Weakling Who Leads the Strongest Party, Nageki no Bourei wa Intai Shitai, Nageki no Bourei wa Intai Shitai - Saijiyaku Hanta ni Yoru Saikiyou Patei Ikusei Jutsu, O fantasma da lamentação quer se aposentar, O fantasma da lamentação quer se aposentar - A técnica mais forte de treinamento partidário pelos caçadores mais fracos, The Wailing Ghost Retired, The Wailing Ghost Retired - Strongest Party Training Technique by the Weakest Hunter, 叹息的亡灵好想隐退, 叹息的亡灵好想隐退-最弱猎手的最强队伍养成术-, 嘆きの亡霊は引退したい, 嘆きの亡霊は引退したい ~最弱ハンターによる最強パーティ育成術~, 嘆息亡靈想隱退~最弱獵人打造最強隊伍~, 嘆息的亡靈好想隱退, 嘆息的亡靈好想隱退~最弱獵手的最强隊伍養成術~, 비탄의 망령은 은퇴하고 싶어, 비탄의 망령은 은퇴하고 싶어 ~최약 헌터에 의한 최강 파티 육성술~
Synopsis Nageki no Bourei wa Intai Shitai – Saijiyaku Hanta ni Yoru Saikiyou Patei Ikusei Jutsu
Comic Walker (Kadokawa)
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